How to Be a Customer-Centric Tester

Great companies have figured out a primary key to business longevity: caring about your customer’s opinion of the product and ease of use. Because of that, they are investing now more than ever in customer-centric product development. Uservoice defines customer-centric product development as “an approach to building and improving products that places customer truths at the core of new development. Embracing this approach means every new feature and functionality released can be traced back to a real customer problem.” However, creating customer-centric products and features isn’t as easy as just flipping a switch. How can we, as testers, shift to meet the customer-centric development model? 

Headless Browser Testing: Should You Consider This?

Headless testing is a technique for evaluating the functionality of a website or online application without using a web browser. It involves using a test script to simulate actions like clicking buttons and filling out form fields by sending commands directly to the website’s source code. This allows for testing to be done more efficiently because there is no need to load a full web browser.

My Experience Using ChatGPT to Perform Testing Activities

ChatGPT is something you’re probably familiar with. Its plastered all over my LinkedIn feed and was a hot topic of conversation during my holiday gatherings. In the off chance you’re not in the know, ChatGPT is a machine learning model that will essentially perform a variety of tasks, provide information on endless topics, or just have conversation with you. It’s pretty cool, albeit a little frightening too. With such power comes great risk.

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